Discografia dos Rolling Stones (álbuns de estúdio)
Ao longo de décadas de existência em atividade os Rolling Stones, uma das bandas mais amadas do mundo, gravou inúmeros álbuns de estúdio. Confira a seguir: Read More …
Ao longo de décadas de existência em atividade os Rolling Stones, uma das bandas mais amadas do mundo, gravou inúmeros álbuns de estúdio. Confira a seguir: Read More …
The most famous band in the world, The Beatles, produced 13 studio albums throughout its existence, see: Read More …
A banda mais famosa do mundo, The Beatles, produziu 13 álbuns de estúdio ao longo de sua existência, veja: Read More …
Over the course of his career, the King of Pop, Michael Jackson, recorded ten legendary studio albums that changed the history of music forever. Enjoy!!! Read More …
Ao longo de sua carreira o Rei do Pop, Michael Jackson, gravou dez lendários discos de estúdio, que mudaram para sempre a história da música. Curta-os!!! Read More …
The iconic and dazzling band that changed rock history forever was born in 1965 London from the coming together of Syd Barrett, Nick Mason, Roger Waters, Richard Wright, Bob Klose, initially, and David Gilmour, later. Mandatory in the list of progressive rock bands, Pink Floyd stood out for their psychedelic music, philosophical and deep lyrics and long experimental compositions. Throughout its existence, among countless creations, participations and influences, it recorded 15 studio albums, listed below: Read More …
A icônica e deslumbrante banda que mudou a história do rock para sempre nasceu na Londres de 1965 da junção de Syd Barrett, Nick Mason, Roger Waters, Richard Wright, Bob Klose, inicialmente, e David Gilmour, posteriormente. Obrigatório na lista das bandas de rock progressivo o Pink Floyd se destacou por suas músicas psicodélicas, letras filosóficas e profundas e longas composições experimentais. Ao longo de sua existência, entre incontáveis criações, participações e influências, gravou 15 álbuns de estúdio, listados a seguir: Read More …
Neil Young is really an original and controversial figure. In addition to his extraordinary talent he is also known for his critical stance and his rebelliousness. In 2015, he pulled all of his music from the music stream on the market, claiming that they didn’t offer enough audio quality, and that his fans didn’t deserve to listen to their music in lousy quality. Also released in June in 2015, the album The Monsanto Years, a disc of protest against the multinational biotechnology company Monsanto, the largest producer of grain in the world, for its production of transgenics and pesticides. Read More …
Rock has never been the same since the launch of Led Zeppelin. The band emerged from the extinct The Yardbirds and The New Yardbirds, seeking inspiration from jazz, blues, folk and psychedelic music, among other influences, to compose their unmistakable style, marked by heavy arrangements and original riffs. Led is regarded as the forerunner of heavy metal. Over the course of his twelve-year career, he has released nine studio albums, four live albums, nine compilations and remasters, a few singles and a fine collection of awards and top positions. Check out the eight studio albums by one of the most beloved bands in the world. Read More …
For us at Coruja Music, road lovers, you don’t necessarily have to get anywhere. Being in it is enough. Arriving fast is off plan. Our time is another. It really is good to enjoy every inch of it, without hurry. Stopping for coffee at the gas station, photographing a beautiful landscape or watching the sunset in the fall light are great little pleasures. And of course, listening to a lot of music! Preferably of the best quality. Thinking especially of people like us, we have selected a list of seven wonderful and inspiring compositions to make your adventure even more irresistible. To road lovers: Have a nice trip! Read More …